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- Next topic: Titanium Socks? - Started by Lloyd January 20, 2008 at 05:40:35 PM
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Re(1): Big Toe=Brain
Posted on January 22, 2008 at 07:49:17 AM by KenricoCare
Hi Tony,
It is recommended to use the patch on the reflex points of the brain for stress reduction and to relieve depression. Clinical study shows that applying the patch on that location benefits the user the most for this type of condition. For application area, please refer to the reflexology map at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html
Pain on the big toes may indicate that your reflex point on the big toes are too responsive to the detoxification process. You may want to apply the patches below your toes instead as these areas correspond to the brain as well.
For heavy metal detoxification, you are correct to focus on the reflex points of liver, kidneys, intestines. These areas accumulate heavy metals the most. Since heavy metals build up in our body over time, symptoms are often attributed to other causes and people do not realize that they have been affected by heavy metals until it is too late.
TRMX-2 is the proven pads for heavy metals detoxification. Your body may be less toxic now, however to detect the amount of toxins absorbed into the pads, you may want to send your used patch to a lab for analysis.
All the best,
Kenrico Support
It is recommended to use the patch on the reflex points of the brain for stress reduction and to relieve depression. Clinical study shows that applying the patch on that location benefits the user the most for this type of condition. For application area, please refer to the reflexology map at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html
Pain on the big toes may indicate that your reflex point on the big toes are too responsive to the detoxification process. You may want to apply the patches below your toes instead as these areas correspond to the brain as well.
For heavy metal detoxification, you are correct to focus on the reflex points of liver, kidneys, intestines. These areas accumulate heavy metals the most. Since heavy metals build up in our body over time, symptoms are often attributed to other causes and people do not realize that they have been affected by heavy metals until it is too late.
TRMX-2 is the proven pads for heavy metals detoxification. Your body may be less toxic now, however to detect the amount of toxins absorbed into the pads, you may want to send your used patch to a lab for analysis.
All the best,
Kenrico Support
Thread overview
Big Toe=Brain & GLD-Now-less brown? - By Tony January 19, 2008 at 05:29:16 AM
- Re(1): Big Toe=Brain - By KenricoCare January 22, 2008 at 07:49:17 AM
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- Next topic: Titanium Socks? - Started by Lloyd January 20, 2008 at 05:40:35 PM
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