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- Next topic: Titanium Socks? - Started by Lloyd January 20, 2008 at 05:40:35 PM
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Big Toe=Brain & GLD-Now-less brown?
Posted on January 19, 2008 at 05:29:16 AM by Tony
Great products/ 4 questions.
1.) I watched a reflexology DVD that illustrated, how the Big toe is directly connected to the brain, and the toes also are associated with the thyroid, and other hormonal glans in the head area...Is it unwise and potentially harmful to use patches on the toes/ brain-area, as this might cause fluctuations in EMF and hormonal balance???
It seems like when I put the patches there, that my brain feels foggy the next day...
2.)Also I am noticing PAIN and tenderness at the tips of my toes-especially my Big toe...should I NOT use these up in the toe area???
3.) Been using the patches to clear Heavy Metals, from my Body, and so I have divided my feet into 5-sections from top/toes-to bottom/ heal (underside/bottom/ sole-only, and rotate the patches nightly from the toe area to the heal area...Should I JUST use them in the center of the foot, to focus on the liver, kidneys, intestines, to pull toxins from the elimination organs-allowing/ assisting them to do most of the detoxing work, OR am I correct, in rotating the patches, so that they hopefully will pull Heavy Metals/ other toxins, directly from all areas of the body-in association with the reflex-points, and is there any benefit to using these on the top-sides of the feet, or should we just stick to the underside/ sole???
4.) Been using the patches for @ 2month's, and the Gold patches, that have always produced the best results so far as being the darkest/ stickiest with toxins, are NOW showing white spaces (areas on the pathces, that are not changing color-from white to brown) does this mean, that my body is less toxic, and that is why the patches are not solid brown/ dark-all over, like they were when I 1st started wearing them-?
Thanks and please address all 4 questions (apologies for over thinking your simple/ wonderful product/ asking so many questions-but I like to learn and heal) :)
Great products/ 4 questions.
1.) I watched a reflexology DVD that illustrated, how the Big toe is directly connected to the brain, and the toes also are associated with the thyroid, and other hormonal glans in the head area...Is it unwise and potentially harmful to use patches on the toes/ brain-area, as this might cause fluctuations in EMF and hormonal balance???
It seems like when I put the patches there, that my brain feels foggy the next day...
2.)Also I am noticing PAIN and tenderness at the tips of my toes-especially my Big toe...should I NOT use these up in the toe area???
3.) Been using the patches to clear Heavy Metals, from my Body, and so I have divided my feet into 5-sections from top/toes-to bottom/ heal (underside/bottom/ sole-only, and rotate the patches nightly from the toe area to the heal area...Should I JUST use them in the center of the foot, to focus on the liver, kidneys, intestines, to pull toxins from the elimination organs-allowing/ assisting them to do most of the detoxing work, OR am I correct, in rotating the patches, so that they hopefully will pull Heavy Metals/ other toxins, directly from all areas of the body-in association with the reflex-points, and is there any benefit to using these on the top-sides of the feet, or should we just stick to the underside/ sole???
4.) Been using the patches for @ 2month's, and the Gold patches, that have always produced the best results so far as being the darkest/ stickiest with toxins, are NOW showing white spaces (areas on the pathces, that are not changing color-from white to brown) does this mean, that my body is less toxic, and that is why the patches are not solid brown/ dark-all over, like they were when I 1st started wearing them-?
Thanks and please address all 4 questions (apologies for over thinking your simple/ wonderful product/ asking so many questions-but I like to learn and heal) :)
Thread overview
Big Toe=Brain & GLD-Now-less brown? - By Tony January 19, 2008 at 05:29:16 AM
- Re(1): Big Toe=Brain - By KenricoCare January 22, 2008 at 07:49:17 AM
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- Next topic: Titanium Socks? - Started by Lloyd January 20, 2008 at 05:40:35 PM
- Previous topic: Reseller program - Started by Dana January 19, 2008 at 12:20:03 AM
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