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  • Next topic: Schedule and usage - Started by Evelyn Bovan December 30, 2007 at 02:58:19 PM
  • Previous topic: goiter - Started by Lesley December 28, 2007 at 09:32:06 PM

Cadmium/ Heavy Metal's & Patch Efficacy

Posted on December 29, 2007 at 09:06:45 PM by Tony

Love the product!

I chelated with a heavy metal-herbal cleanse, and I OVER-CHELATED/CHELATED TOO FAST/ FASTER Than my elimination pathways, could expel the toxins from my body, the result was Brain Fog(lethargy), Kidneys and Liver-pains.
according to western medicine I am 100% healthy, and my organs are functioning normaly...I know that I realeesed TOO many toxins at once, and it overloaded my systems.

I have stopped all chelating (for now, will return to it...unless patches will completely remove the heavy metals???) and am ettempting to restore Balance to my body.

I started using the GREEN KX-2 patches liked the Intent of those, then bought grapfruit, Gold, and Quick-patches...the grapefruit are nice, the GOLD, turn darkest (why? higher vinegar content? better suited to my needs?) and the quick ones, do NOT completly transition...that is to say the white material/ part of the patches stay completely white, un-soiled/ un-reactive???

Do the patches react to heat?
do they react chemicaly?
why do some turn dark and others don't turn/ completely turn at all???

I recently tested positive for medium cadmium levels...which pad(s) and on what reflexology points on the foot do you recommend???

Thanks...sorry for so many questions, but I appreciate your time and consideration, as well as your impressive-technological, Spiritual, and Healing AWARENESS!

Kind regards,


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  • Next topic: Schedule and usage - Started by Evelyn Bovan December 30, 2007 at 02:58:19 PM
  • Previous topic: goiter - Started by Lesley December 28, 2007 at 09:32:06 PM
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