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- Next topic: pads per day - Started by Glenn July 31, 2013 at 08:45:01 PM
- Previous topic: patch - Started by Mayia July 29, 2013 at 04:39:10 AM
Imbalanced neurotransmitters, possible mercury toxicity, past cannabis use
Posted on July 31, 2013 at 02:01:29 PM by Lynn
Hello, my son age 25 is finding it hard not to drink and rely on alcohol. Once he starts to drink he cannot stop. He is a smoker and used cannabis in the past. When he drinks he cannot get up in the morning or function properly.
We have had his brain neurotransmitters checked and the results were:
virtually no production of acetylcholine;
extremely high norepinephrine; normal adrenaline;
low serotonin;
extremely high GABA;
raised glutamic acid;
extremely high PABA.
His histamine is also raised and his phenethylamine and adenosine are extremely low.
Of the neurotransmitter precursors L-tyrosine is slightly raised;
L-dopa is very high;
L-tryptophan is extremely low;
5HTP is normal.
He is showing positive for Phthalic acid and bacteria fermentation 3-hydroxy-phenylproprionic acid HPPA.
Of his neurotransmitter metabolites
Homovanilic acid HVA is very low;
Dihydroxyphenethylene glycol is normal;
normetanephrine is extremely high.
His concentration and self esteem are very low. He may have mercury contamination from vaccines.
I am treating him with the GAPS Introductory diet, supplements (Vit A, VitB complex, B5, folic acid, probiotics, fish oils, digestive enzymes, zinc and molydbneum. I am using detox baths, probiotic foods. He wants to get well but he finds the urge to drink overwhelming.
Could your foot patches help and if so what do you recommend, placements and duration and any other information will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards, Lynn
We have had his brain neurotransmitters checked and the results were:
virtually no production of acetylcholine;
extremely high norepinephrine; normal adrenaline;
low serotonin;
extremely high GABA;
raised glutamic acid;
extremely high PABA.
His histamine is also raised and his phenethylamine and adenosine are extremely low.
Of the neurotransmitter precursors L-tyrosine is slightly raised;
L-dopa is very high;
L-tryptophan is extremely low;
5HTP is normal.
He is showing positive for Phthalic acid and bacteria fermentation 3-hydroxy-phenylproprionic acid HPPA.
Of his neurotransmitter metabolites
Homovanilic acid HVA is very low;
Dihydroxyphenethylene glycol is normal;
normetanephrine is extremely high.
His concentration and self esteem are very low. He may have mercury contamination from vaccines.
I am treating him with the GAPS Introductory diet, supplements (Vit A, VitB complex, B5, folic acid, probiotics, fish oils, digestive enzymes, zinc and molydbneum. I am using detox baths, probiotic foods. He wants to get well but he finds the urge to drink overwhelming.
Could your foot patches help and if so what do you recommend, placements and duration and any other information will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards, Lynn
Thread overview
Imbalanced neurotransmitters, possible mercury toxicity, past cannabis use - By Lynn July 31, 2013 at 02:01:29 PM
- Re(1): Imbalanced neurotransmitters, possible mercury toxicity, past cannabi ... - By KenricoCare August 1, 2013 at 10:38:07 PM
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- Next topic: pads per day - Started by Glenn July 31, 2013 at 08:45:01 PM
- Previous topic: patch - Started by Mayia July 29, 2013 at 04:39:10 AM
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