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Re(1): Kenrico DHE and TRMX-3

Posted on November 7, 2013 at 10:28:58 PM by KenricoCare
Hi Ari,

The Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE) is the proven treatment for reducing body fat and cellulite while you REST. It does not require you to exercise at all.

Administering the DHE with the Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) is highly recommended because they can boost your physical and mental health, help you lose weight, improve mood, and significantly reduce your risk in developing chronic diseases.

If you are severely overweight, we also recommend administering The Enhanced Grapefruit Edition (TG-1i).

We recommend the following weekly schedule:
Monday: DHE and TRMX-3
Tuesday: DHE and TRMX-3
Wednesday: DHE and TRMX-3
Thursday: TG-1i and TRMX-3
Friday: DHE and TRMX-3
Saturday: DHE and TRMX-3
Sunday: DHE and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is two (2) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
DHE: Suprarenal gland. DHE can also be administered directly onto any parts of the body with fat and cellulite
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
TG-1i: Stomach, small intestines

Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE). Guaranteed effective in toxins cleansing, fat and cellulite burning. DHE provides an instant liposuction effect - a complete body cleansing from toxins, impurities, excess fat, and cellulite. DHE can help tighten your waistline, sculpt the perfect midsection, and strengthen your core while you rest.
Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE). Guaranteed effective in toxins cleansing, fat and cellulite burning. DHE provides an instant liposuction effect - a complete body cleansing from toxins, impurities, excess fat, and cellulite. DHE can help tighten your waistline, sculpt the perfect midsection, and strengthen your core while you rest.

Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

Enhanced Grapefruit Edition (TG-1i) for reducing fats and cellulite
Enhanced Grapefruit Edition (TG-1i) for reducing fats and cellulite

All the best,

Thread overview

  • Kenrico DHE and TRMX-3 - By Ari November 5, 2013 at 07:13:12 PM
    • Re(1): Kenrico DHE and TRMX-3 - By KenricoCare November 7, 2013 at 10:28:58 PM

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