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Re(1): questions

Posted on September 27, 2013 at 07:49:41 PM by KenricoCare
Hi Grace,

To treat the liver, The Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) is best administered at corresponding reflex points at the bottom of the feet. The WRX-2i is best administered with the Carbon Titanium Adhesives for treating liver problems. Please contact your vendor regarding the availability.

The current treatment that is highly recommend for application at any areas or any parts of the body is The Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE).

For your parents who have diabetics, arthritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure and cholesterol, we highly recommend a complete treatment utilizing The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3), The Red Edition (EXA-2i), The Special Edition (CCi) and The Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i).

We recommend the following weekly schedule for your mother:
Monday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Tuesday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Wednesday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Thursday: CCi and TRMX-3
Friday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Saturday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Sunday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is two (2) to four (4) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
WRX-2i: Thyroid glands / thymus
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
EXA-2i: Heart, suprarenal gland
CCi: Stomach, small intestine

Especially for your father, treatment that includes a higher dose of TRMX-3, ZEO, KX-2, and LEXIRIN is highly recommended. Heavy metals poisoning, such as mercury, can cause alzheimer's disease (AD). To cleanse the body from heavy metals, daily treatment with The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) is highly recommended. TRMX-3 (US patent 7,182,965, Japanese patent 4,485,940 and European patent 03720506) contains a very high analgesic (anti-pain), anti-inflammation, and anti-depressant (anti-stress) properties that can absorbs heavy metals and other toxins at a very high rate.

Patients treated with the TRMX-3 have reported significant improvement to their brain function (improved creativity, cognitive and logic) and physical function (improved nerves and movement).

It is also highly beneficial to administer The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) and The Superior Edition (LEXIRIN) for treating Alzheimer. ZEO contains rejuvenation property that can repair damaged cells. Additionally, LEXIRIN protects the healthy cells against damages to stop the progression of AD.

We recommend the following weekly schedule for your father:
Monday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Tuesday: EXA-2i and KX-2
Wednesday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3
Thursday: CCi and ZEO
Friday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Saturday: EXA-2i and KX-2
Sunday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is four (4) to eight (8) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
WRX-2i: Thyroid glands / thymus
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
EXA-2i: Heart, suprarenal gland
KX-2: Cerebrum
LEXIRIN: Brain stem / cerebellum / head
CCi: Stomach, small intestine
ZEO: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, cerebrum

Frozen legs are a sign of poor circulation and may indicate a damage to the nerves. Arthritis and rheumatism can also cause poor circulation and nerve damage. Administering The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3), The Red Edition (EXA-2i) and The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) daily can treat poor circulation and repair the damaged nerves in the legs.

We also highly recommend your aunt to administer The Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE) immediately. We are positive that treatment which includes DHE can cure the frozen legs in no time.

We recommend the following weekly schedule for your aunt:
Monday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Tuesday: DHE and TRMX-3
Wednesday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Thursday: DHE and TRMX-3
Friday: EXA-2i and TRMX-3
Saturday: DHE and TRMX-3
Sunday: ZEO and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is two (2) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
EXA-2i: Heart, suprarenal gland
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
DHE: Left knee / left leg, right knee / right leg
ZEO: Left knee / left leg, right knee / right leg

Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE). Guaranteed effective in toxins cleansing, fat and cellulite burning. DHE provides an instant effect - a satisfying warmth and pleasant sensation plus a complete body cleansing from toxins, impurities, excess fat, and cellulite. DHE can help tighten your waistline, sculpt the perfect midsection, and strengthen your core while you rest.
Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE). Guaranteed effective in toxins cleansing, fat and cellulite burning. DHE provides an instant effect - a satisfying warmth and pleasant sensation plus a complete body cleansing from toxins, impurities, excess fat, and cellulite. DHE can help tighten your waistline, sculpt the perfect midsection, and strengthen your core while you rest.

Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) for the treatment of diabetes, liver and heart diseases
Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) for the treatment of diabetes, liver and heart diseases

Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases
Red Edition (EXA-2i) for improving blood circulation, adrenal functions, burning extra calories and for treating cardiovascular diseases

Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation
Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation

Superior Edition (LEXIRIN) with patented formulation of nattokinase with Superoxide dismutases - SOD (Patent 6793945 and 6413556) for shielding organs against damages from toxins
Superior Edition (LEXIRIN) with patented formulation of nattokinase with Superoxide dismutases - SOD (Patent 6793945 and 6413556) for shielding organs against damages from toxins

Special Edition (CCi) with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) for the treatment of high cholesterol and triglycerides, cancer, cysts, tumor, burns, itches, skin condition and warts
Special Edition (CCi) with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) for the treatment of high cholesterol and triglycerides, cancer, cysts, tumor, burns, itches, skin condition and warts

Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs
Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs

All the best,

Thread overview

  • questions - By Grace September 25, 2013 at 07:19:21 PM
    • Re(1): questions - By KenricoCare September 27, 2013 at 07:49:41 PM

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