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- Next topic: patch - Started by Mayia July 29, 2013 at 04:39:10 AM
- Previous topic: Thank you - Started by Cath July 24, 2013 at 10:30:04 PM
Saved my life
Posted on July 28, 2013 at 09:39:02 AM by Leonidas
I don't know why these patches aren't known to almost anybody but they should be used by everyone. Iv struggled with drug abuse and losing my sanity for the past months and was considering suicide at one point and i thought all was lost. But after just ONE night of using the TRMX-3 the next day was just unreal, everything was better, everything. If there was a scale from 1-100 and 1 being great and 100 being horrible i was at a 80 before the patches with everyday activities being heavily limited, the next day though was a 10. A 10! I feel great, there's clarity in my thoughts, i can think rationally, it feels like my IQ has resumed normal levels if not higher, a new door has opened in my mind. All i can say is that I'm going to keep buying your products from your company FOREVER, i hope you never go out of business, thank you again for saving my LIFE :)
Thread overview
Saved my life - By Leonidas July 28, 2013 at 09:39:02 AM
- Re(1): Saved my life - By KenricoCare July 31, 2013 at 10:08:44 PM
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