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Re(1): Three different issues

Posted on October 24, 2013 at 04:08:39 AM by KenricoCare
Hi Sundar,

Person 1:
BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), nerve damage, constipation and infection can cause severe urination difficulty or urinary retention (ischuria). If the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is high, it is a sign of prostate problem such as BPH, prostatitis or even prostate cancer.

We highly recommend administering The Special Edition (CCi), The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3), The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) and The Soothing Edition (Aqua Cool TUV) for the the 78-year-old male.

The CCi and TRMX-3 are prescribed to cure ischuria.

The ZEO is prescribed to repair nerve damage. On the other hand, The AQUA COOL TUV is prescribed in case ischuria is caused by severe inflammation in the digestive or excretory tracts.

We recommend the following weekly schedule for the 78-year-old male:
Monday: CCi and TRMX-3
Tuesday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Wednesday: CCi and TRMX-3
Thursday: AQUA COOL TUV and TRMX-3
Friday: CCi and TRMX-3
Saturday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Sunday: CCi and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is four (4) pads per day for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Daily dosage is two (2) pads per day for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
CCi: Kidney, bladder
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
ZEO: Spine, ureter
AQUA COOL TUV: Ascending large intestine, transverse colon, descending large intestine, ureter

Person 2:
Psoriasis is closely related to oxidative stress. Psoriasis such as plaque psoriasis develops as tiny and raised brown patches around the body and primarily caused by oxidative stress or rapid aging. Since he is only 21 years old, it is a sign of oxidative stress.

It is essential to treat these symptoms with The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3), The Green Edition (KX-2) and The Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with Carbon Titanium Adhesives. If the condition is severe, we also recommend administering The Superior Edition (LEXIRIN).

We recommend the following weekly schedule for the 21-year-old male:
Monday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Tuesday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3
Wednesday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Thursday: LEXIRIN and TRMX-3
Friday: ZEO and TRMX-3
Saturday: LEXIRIN and KX-2
Sunday: ZEO and KX-2

Daily dosage is four (4) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
ZEO: Spine, liver, kidney
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
LEXIRIN: Spine, liver, kidney
KX-2: Cerebrum

Person 3:
The Blue Edition (FX-2), The Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3) and The Silver Edition (AGi) are highly effective for treating candida. The FX-2 especially contains a very high amount of antiseptic properties that can effectively neutralize dangerous germs and molds in the body.

To treat the pre-diabetes, high CRP and triglycerides, we highly recommend administering The Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) and The Special Edition (CCi). The effectiveness of WRX-2i and CCi in treating high blood sugar and triglycerides have been documented through clinical studies.

We recommend the following weekly schedule for the 50-year-old male:
Monday: FX-2 and TRMX-3
Tuesday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Wednesday: CCi and TRMX-3
Thursday: AGi and TRMX-3
Friday: FX-2 and TRMX-3
Saturday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Sunday: CCi and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is four (4) pads per day every day.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
FX-2: Spleen
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands
WRX-2i: Pancreas
CCi: Stomach, small intestine
AGi: Thyroid glands / thymus

Person 4:
We recommend the following weekly schedule for the 57-year-old male:
Monday: CCi and TRMX-3
Tuesday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Wednesday: CCi and TRMX-3
Thursday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Friday: CCi and TRMX-3
Saturday: WRX-2i and TRMX-3
Sunday: CCi and TRMX-3

Daily dosage is four (4) pads per day every day for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Daily dosage is two (2) pads per day every day for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Placement areas on the feet according to the reflexology chart at https://www.kenrico.com/kenrico_reflexology.html:
CCi: Stomach, small intestine
WRX-2i: Pancreas
TRMX-3: Brain stem / cerebellum / head, liver, kidney, lymph glands

If the person 3 or person 4 have weight problem such as obesity or overweight, slow metabolism or water retention, we will need to prescribe a new treatment with The Diamond Hybrid Edition (DHE) and The Enhanced Grapefruit Edition (TG-1i).

Blue Edition (FX-2). FX-2 contains a very high antiseptic properties for neutralizing dangerous molds and dangerous germs such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa
Blue Edition (FX-2). FX-2 contains a very high antiseptic properties for neutralizing dangerous molds and dangerous germs such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa

Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) for the treatment of diabetes, liver and heart diseases
Hot Pink Edition (WRX-2i) for the treatment of diabetes, liver and heart diseases

Special Edition (CCi) with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) for the treatment of high cholesterol and triglycerides, cancer, cysts, tumor, burns, itches, skin condition and warts
Special Edition (CCi) with EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) for the treatment of high cholesterol and triglycerides, cancer, cysts, tumor, burns, itches, skin condition and warts

Silver Edition (AGi) with ABM for treating allergies, low immune system and hormone imbalances
Silver Edition (AGi) with ABM for treating allergies, low immune system and hormone imbalances

Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs
Super Detox Edition (ZEO) with patented Zeolite and its proven rejuvenation effects to repair damaged cells in the organs

Soothing Edition (AQUA COOL TUV). Aqua Cool TUV emits cool soothing effects for the treatment of digestive problems, excretory problems and heatstroke
Soothing Edition (AQUA COOL TUV). Aqua Cool TUV emits cool soothing effects for the treatment of digestive problems, excretory problems and heatstroke

Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation
Green Edition (KX-2) with Tourmaline and Amethyst. KX-2 is intended only for conditions that require attentive treatment and suitable for patients undergoing therapies or rehabilitation

Superior Edition (LEXIRIN) with patented formulation of nattokinase with Superoxide dismutases - SOD (Patent 6793945 and 6413556) for shielding organs against damages from toxins
Superior Edition (LEXIRIN) with patented formulation of nattokinase with Superoxide dismutases - SOD (Patent 6793945 and 6413556) for shielding organs against damages from toxins

Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)
Supreme Gold Edition (TRMX-3). TRMX-3 is very effective for stress and also for removing a lot of heavy metals from the body with its proven analgesic, anti-inflammation and anti-stress properties (world-wide patents 7182965, 4485940, 03720506.09)

Carbon Titanium Adhesives. Carbon Titanium Adhesives is made utilizing the latest medical technology by combining the bioelectricity property of carbon with hypoallergenic property of pure titanium to enhance the healing process
Carbon Titanium Adhesives. Carbon Titanium Adhesives is made utilizing the latest medical technology by combining the bioelectricity property of carbon with hypoallergenic property of pure titanium to enhance the healing process

All the best,

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