Magnetic Stimulation of Neural Tissue
![]() ![]() | (22.1) |
where | ![]() | = electromotive force (emf) [V] |
F | = magnetic flux [Wb = Vs] | |
t | = time [s] |
Corresponding to a magnetic field the flux
, linking the circuit is given by
, where the integral is taken over any surface whose periphery is the circuit loop.
If the flux is due to a coil's own current I, the flux is defined as: F = LI, where L is the inductance of the coil and the emf can be written
![]() ![]() | (22.2) |
where | L | = inductance of the coil [H =Wb/A = Vs/A] |
I | = current in the coil [A] |
and other variables are as in Equation 22.1.
The magnitude of induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of current, dI/dt. The coefficient of proportionality is the inductance L. The term dI/dt depends on the speed with which the capacitors are discharged; the latter is increased by use of a fast solid-state switch (i.e., fast thyristor) and minimal wiring length. Inductance L is determined by the geometry and constitutive property of the medium. The principal factors for the coil system are the shape of the coil, the number of turns on the coil, and the permeability of the core. For typical coils used in physiological magnetic stimulation, the inductance may be calculated from the following equations:
![]() ![]() | (22.3) |
where | L | = inductance of the coil [H] |
µ | = permeability of the coil core [Vs/Am] | |
N | = number of turns on the coil | |
r | = coil radius [m] | |
l | = coil length [m] | |
s | = coil width [m] |
where N, r, and s are the same as in the equation above.
where N, r, and l are again the same as in the equation above.
The following example is given of the electric parameters of a multiple-layer cylinder coil (Rossi et al., 1987): A coil having 19 turns of 2.5 mm² copper wound in three layers has physical dimensions of r = 18 mm, l = 22 mm, and s = 6 mm. The resistance and the inductance of the coil were measured to be 14 mW and 169 µH, respectively.
Flat Multiple-Layer Disk Coil
The inductance of a flat multiple-layer disk coil (Figure 22.2B) is
(22.4) A coil having 10 turns of 2.5 mm² copper wire in one layer has physical dimensions of r = 14 ... 36 mm. The resistance and the inductance of the coil had the measured values of 10 mW and 9.67 µH, respectively.
Long Single-Layer Cylinder Coil
The inductance of a long single-layer cylinder coil (Figure 22.2C) is
Single Coil
The current distribution of a single coil, producing a dipolar field, was presented earlier in this book in Sections 12.11 and 14.2. The stimulation energy distribution can be readily seen in the form of vector fields from Figure 14.2 and is not repeated here. Figure 22.3 illustrates the iso-intensity lines and half-intensity volume for a coil with a 50 mm radius. The concepts of iso-intensity line and half-intensity volume are reciprocal to the isosensitivity line and half-sensitivity volume, discussed in Section 11.6.1. As discussed in Section 12.3.3, because of cylindrical symmetry the iso-intensity lines coincide with the magnetic field lines. The reader may again compare the effect of the coil radius on the distribution of the stimulus current by comparing Figures 22.3 and 14.3..
Fig. 22.3 Iso-intensity lines (dashed black), induced stimulation currrent lines (solid blue) and half-intensity volume (green) for a stimulation coil with 50 mm radius. The distance of the coil plane from the scalp is 10 mm.
![]() ![]() | (22.6) |
![]() ![]() | (22.7) |
where | W | = energy required to stimulate tissue |
B | = magnetic flux density | |
E | = electric field | |
t | = pulse duration |
The effectiveness of the stimulator with respect to energy transfer is proportional to the square root of the magnetic energy stored in the coil when the current in the coil reaches its maximum value. A simple model of a nerve fiber is to regard each node as a leaky capacitor that has to be charged. Measurements with electrical stimulation indicate that the time constant of this leaky capacitor is of the order of 150-300 µs. Therefore, for effective stimulation the current pulse into the node should be shorter than this (Hess, Mills, and Murray, 1987). For a short pulse in the coil less energy is required, but obviously there is a lower limit too.
The actual stimulation of excitable tissue by a time-varying magnetic field results from the flow of induced current across membranes. Without such flow a depolarization is not produced and excitation cannot result. Unfortunately, one cannot examine this question in a general sense but rather must look at specific geometries and structures. To date this has been done only for a single nerve fiber in a uniform conducting medium with a stimulating coil whose plane is parallel to the fiber (Roth and Basser, 1990).
In the model examined by Roth and Basser, the nerve is assumed to be unmyelinated, infinite in extent and lying in a uniform unbounded conducting medium, the membrane is described by Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The transmembrane voltage Vm is shown to satisfy the equation
![]() ![]() | (22.8) |
where | Vm | = transmembrane voltage |
l | = membrane space constant | |
t | = membrane time constant | |
x | = orientation of the fiber | |
Ex | = x component of the magnetically induced electric field (proportional to the x component of induced current density). |
It is interesting that it is the axial derivative of this field that is the driving force for an induced voltage. For a uniform system in which end effects can be ignored, excitation will arise near the site of maximum changing current and not maximum current itself.
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In the example considered by Roth and Basser the coil lies in the xy plane with its center at x = 0, y = 0, while the fiber is parallel to the x axis and at y = 2.5 cm and z = 1.0 cm. They consider a coil with radius of 2.5 cm wound from 30 turns of wire of 1.0 mm radius. The coil, located at a distance of 1.0 cm from the fiber, is a constituent of an RLC circuit; and the time variation is that resulting from a voltage step input. Assuming C = 200 µF and R = 3.0W, an overdamped current waveform results. From the resulting stimulation it is found that excitation results at x = 2.0 cm (or -2.0 cm, depending on the direction of the magnetic field) which corresponds to the position of maximum
Ex /
x. The threshold applied voltage for excitation is determined to be 30 V. (This results in a peak coil current of around 10 A.) These design conditions could be readily realized.
The effect of field risetime on efficiency of stimulation has been quantified (Barker, Freeston, and Garnham, 1990; Barker, Garnham, Freeston, 1991). Stimulators with short risetimes (< 60 µs) need only half the stored energy of those with longer risetimes (> 180 µs). The use of a variable field risetime also enables membrane time constant to be measured and this may contain useful diagnostic information.
Magnetic stimulation can be applied to nervous stimulation either centrally or peripherally.
The main benefit of magnetic stimulation is that the stimulating current density is not concentrated at the skin, as in electric stimulation, but is more equally distributed within the tissue. This is true especially in transcranial magnetic stimulation of the brain, where the high electric resistivity of the skull does not have any effect on the distribution of the stimulating current. Therefore, magnetic stimulation does not produce painful sensations at the skin, unlike stimulation of the motor cortex with electrodes on the scalp (Mills, Murray, and Hess,1986; 1988; Rimpiläinen et al., 1990, 1991).
Another benefit of the magnetic stimulation method is that the stimulator does not have direct skin contact. This is a benefit in the sterile operation theater environment.
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the first papers introducing the clinical application of magnetic stimulation were published in 1985. Now magnetic stimulators for clinical applications are produced by several manufacturers. It may be predicted that the magnetic stimulation will be applied particularly to the stimulation of cortical areas, because in electric stimulation it is difficult to produce concentrated stimulating current density distributions in the cortical region and to avoid high current densities on the scalp.