Cardiac Defibrillation
In normal activation of the heart propagation ceases when conduction reaches the boundaries of the myocardium. At this point, there is no longer any tissue available that is not in the refractory state. When the next beat is initiated at the SA node, the entire heart is quiescent, and the ensuing process is a repetition of previous ones. The significance of the occurrence of reentry is that the normal pacemaker-initiated process is bypassed. If, as is usual, the activation cycle is very short, then the tissues undergoing reentry serve is a stimulus site for driving the entire heart at a faster rate (tachycardia).
In the example given above, the basis for the unidirectional block was described as due to inhomogeneity of the refractory period. Although this is the most likely cause, there are other mechanisms as well. One arises from the anisotropy of cardiac tissue. The reason is that the axial resistance is much less along than transverse to the fiber direction, and this gives rise to anisotropy in velocity. In addition, there are differences in the organization of intercellular junctions which appears to increase the safety factor for transverse propagation compared to longitudinal (Spach and Dolber, 1985). Consequently, in the case of a premature excitation, propagation along the fiber direction can be blocked yet take place in the transverse direction, resulting in a reentry loop as in Figure 24.1B.
Fig. 24.2 Actual maps of the spread of activation during the onset of tachycardia induced by a premature stimulus in an isolated rabbit heart atrial preparation.
(A) Map of the basic beat.
(B) Premature beat elicited following a 56 ms delay.
(C) First cycle of the tachycardia (double bars indicate sites of the conduction block).
(D) Refractory period duration as determined for the corresponding sites. (From Allessie, Bonke, and Schopman, 1976.)
The smallest path that permits this circular-type propagation (i.e., the wavelength of the circuit) has been called the leading circle (Allessie, Bonke, and Schopman, 1977). As before the wavelength can be evaluated as the product of velocity and refractory period. However, in this type of reentry the refractory period and the conduction velocity are interrelated. The pathway length of a reentrant circuit of the leading circle type is approximately 8 mm.
The reentrant circuit is seen as a consequence of the inhomogeneity in refractoriness in Figure 24.2D. Such conditions (along with short refractory periods, and slow conduction) are found in ischemic myocardium. An examination of successive beats shows the position around which propagation takes place to shift continuously. The reason is that the cells in the region of the vortex during one cycle may show a large action potential (hence be part of the circulating wave) in the following cycle. In spite of this beat-to-beat variation the reentry in the case of tachycardia is relatively orderly and results in a regular rhythm. Random reentry, which characterizes fibrillation, is characterized by pathways whose size and location are continually changing. In addition, several independent wavefronts may be present simultaneously and interact with one another. The resulting rhythm is consequently relatively irregular and chaotic.
Figure 24.3 shows the activation patterns of three successive "beats" during ventricular fibrillation. These illustrate the multiple regions of conduction block which shift continuously. One can also determinate collision and fusion of wavefronts, and interrupted circus movements. The diameters of such circuits vary between 8 and 30 mm. Because of the complexity of the patterns, maps such as these, which describe behavior only on the bounding surface, leave many of the details hidden from view (in the third dimension).
With very slow conduction (in, say, elevated K+ at perhaps 5 cm/s), and very short refractory periods (50 - 100 ms), one can have a very short wavelengths (<1 cm). These give rise to reentrant circuits characterized as microreentrant. It has been thought that such circuits might be seen in intact hearts with acute regional ischemia.
In addition to the reentry described above which arises in ischemic and infarcted myocardium, reentry can also occur that utilizes structures of the heart. Clinical examples may be found that demonstrate reentry involving the AV junction, the His-Purkinje system, the SA node, and so on. We omit further details since our goal here is only to develop sufficient background for the subject of defibrillation.
Fig. 24.3 Activation patterns of eight successive activations during ischemia-induced ventricular fibrillation in an isolated perfused pig heart following premature stimulus. Reentry occurs between first and second activation. These patterns demonstrate the presence of multiple wavefronts, and both collision and fusion of wavefronts. Beat 7 shows microcircus movement. (From Janse et al., 1980.)
![]() ![]() | (24.1) |
where | Ii | = axial current inside the cell |
Io | = axial current outside the cell | |
ri | = axial intracellular resistance per unit length | |
ro | = axial extracellular resistance per unit length |
This means that perhaps 95% of the individual cells making up the cardiac fiber are unaffected by the stimulus! But this result depends on the equivalent fiber being uniform and neglects the intercellular junctions. If a single such junction is considered to link the intracellular space of adjoining cells (reflecting the gap-junctional resistance Rj), then each cell behaves identically and as described in Figure 24.4.
In Figure 24.4, since the cell shown is replicated in a chain of around 1,200 such cells making up the total fiber, then voltages and currents must be periodic with a periodicity of one cell. Thus, for example, Ii entering at the left must equal Ii leaving at the right, since they are exactly one cell length apart. Now if the coupling resistances Rj were equal to zero, then the fiber would be uniform and the transmembrane current variation proportional to the second derivative of Vm as given by Equation 9.10. Consequently, it would also be essentially zero beyond 5l of the ends. The effect of a finite Rj is to drive a small amount of current into and out of each cell (exactly the same must leave and enter since Ii must be periodic), and this movement is associated with a nonzero Vm in each cell. In fact, one can see that Rj causes a discontinuity in Fi just equal to the voltage drop, namely IiRj. This also represents a discontinuity in Vm. The presence of Rj forces some of the intracellular current out of the cell on the right half, but for the expected periodicity to be attained this current must enter the cell in the left half. Consequently both im and concomitantly Vm must be antisymmetric.
Fig. 24.4 Core-conductor electric network for a single cell that is a component of an equivalent single cardiac fiber. The cell is connected to its neighbors by an intracellular coupling resistance, Rj, at its ends. Steady-state subthreshold conditions are assumed.
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A mathematical description of Vm over the extent of the cell starts with the governing differential Equation 9.4. If we choose the origin at the center of the cell, then the solution to 9.4 should be chosen in terms of sinh(x/l) to obtain the expected antisymmetry. From Equation 24.1, but including the junctional resistance's contribution to the net intracellular resistance per unit length, we have
where Ii = intracellular axial current inside the cell Io = extracellular axial current outside the cell ri = intracellular axialresistance per unit length ro = extracellular axialresistance per unit length Rj = coupling resistance between cells l = length of the cell Consequently since the discontinuity at the ends of each cell requires that Vm(x = ± l/2) = IiRj, we get
(24.3) In Equation 24.3 the factor of 2 takes into account the positive and negative excursion of the expression, whereas the factor sinh(l/2l) is a constant that is required by the boundary condition. An estimate of the applied current in the equivalent fiber, Io, can be made by starting with the total current applied by the defibrillator. From the model we assume that the fraction associated with the equivalent fiber is the cross-section of the fiber and its associated interstitial space divided by the cross-section of the entire heart. Using typical physiological values, one obtains cellular depolarizations of ±(6-30) mV (Plonsey, Barr, and Witkowski, 1991), which is in a range that could certainly affect a cell's electrophysiological behavior.
The above examination of the effect of the intracellular junctional resistance in producing a Vm from a uniform stimulating electric field demonstrates that this effect can arise from any interruption in tissue uniformity. Other histological non-uniformities can also be important in "converting" a uniform applied electric field into an induced transmembrane potential. Recent studies suggest that such a role may be performed by the fiber rotation known to take place in the myocardium.
The high amount of energy that must be delivered is achieved with conventional defibrillators by first charging a large capacitance and then discharging it in a damped RLC circuit. In certain designs the pulse is terminated by short-circuiting the capacitance, resulting in a trapezoidal-like wave. Both the damped sine-wave and the trapezoidal waveform are generally used, and there is little evidence that one is better than the other. (Greatbatch and Seligman, 1988; Kerber, 1990)
Defibrillators are calibrated by the energy discharged into a 50 W load. This measure of defibrillation strength competes with the more recent understanding that defibrillation is achieved by the current-flow field, as discussed above. Strength-duration curves are available for applied energy, charge, and current, based on animal studies in which these quantities are varied. For durations greater than 1 ms the current magnitude required for defibrillation remains about the same (suggesting a chronaxie of perhaps 0.5 ms).
Transchest defibrillator electrodes have diameters in the range of 8-13 cm. Electrodes manufactured for direct application to the heart (e.g., during a surgical procedure) are smaller (4-8 cm) in diameter. Large-diameter electrodes are used in an attempt to achieve a uniform field within the heart and also to avoid high current densities that could burn the skin. The total dry transchest impedance is found to be 25-150 W, while the transcardiac impedance is typically 20-40 W. (The transchest impedance depends on the electrode-skin impedance and, with the use of an appropriate gel, will be about 50 W). Transchest defibrillation energy is in the range of 200-360 joules. It needs a current of 24 A, 20 ms, and a voltage of 5 kV, monophasic, or 2 kV, biphasic. An inadequate current for defibrillation can result from the selection of a low energy level while being unaware of a high transchest impedance (inadequate skin preparation). Some devices first sense this impedance and then choose the energy level to ensure an adequate current.
Totally implanted defibrillators have been increasingly used, as discussed in the earlier section on cardiac pacemakers. Because they connect directly with the heart, a threshold current of 1-2 A can be achieved at lower voltages and energies. Assuming a transcardiac impedance of 20 W requires an applied voltage of around 30 V and an energy of perhaps 30 J.
Experimental work is also in progress for developing a cardiac defibrillator which uses a magnetic field to stimulate the cardiac muscle (Bourland et al., 1990; Irwin et al., 1970; Kubota et al., 1993; Mouchawar et al., 1992)..