CT SCAN DIAGNOSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY UTILIZING CT SCAN TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF SPOROLIFE IN CHANGING THE BLOOD AND LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved 1. Protocol number CTMED575 2. Investigational products 1. Kenrico SAP (Sporolife Activated Prescribing) Sheet / Vitalplaster ® (natural composition with Sporolife) 2. Patch 101 (natural composition without Sporolife) 3. Patch 102 (no composition or empty) 3. Investigator HIKARI RESEARCH INSTITUTE http://www.jphri.jp Shimada, Shizuoka (Site A) Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (Site B) Mishima, Shizuoka (Site C) Japan 4. Sponsor KENRICO LTD http://www.kenrico.com Shimada, Shizuoka Japan 5. Date and report number January 23, 2023 Version 1.0 6. Confidentiality This report is the property of the sponsor and may not be disclosed in whole or in part, for publication or other purposes, without prior written consent from the sponsor.