EEG BRAINWAVES SYNCHRONIZATION AND ALPHA BRAINWAVES COMPARISON: STUDY OF PRE AND POST TREATMENT WITH KENRICO SAP SHEET Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Page 3 of 211 Placebo Sap Sheet were made with raw form (non-extract) of wood vinegar, bamboo vinegar, mushroom chitosan, loquat leaf, houttuynia cordata, mandarin orange, tourmaline, vegetable fiber and corn flour. As placebo sap sheet were made with raw ingredients, they did not contain any traces of active ingredients, without sporolife and did not have any special chemical bonding among their active ingredients. 200 participants consist of 95 males and 105 females, ages 21 to 90 with random health conditions and random stress levels. To obtain a true randomized result, 50 of the 200 participants were discarded randomly. The remaining 150 participants were divided into three groups of 50 participants each. The closest power of 2 (2 n ) with integer 5 as the exponent was selected to obtain the random number for the three groups. As the final randomized result, 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned to group one for Site I, 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned to group two for Site II, and 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned to group three for Site III. Group three is the placebo-controlled group. True Randomized Participants 200 participants 95 males and 105 females, ages 21 to 90 with random health conditions and random stress levels 150 participants 50 of the 200 participants were discarded randomly 50 participants Group one 50 participants Group two 50 participants Group three 32 final participants 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned randomly to group one for Site I (experimental group) 32 final participants 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned randomly to group two for Site II (experimental group) 32 final participants 32 (2 5 ) participants were assigned randomly to group three for Site III (placebo)