EEG BRAINWAVES SYNCHRONIZATION AND ALPHA BRAINWAVES COMPARISON: STUDY OF PRE AND POST TREATMENT WITH KENRICO SAP SHEET Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Page 9 of 211 Productivity, intelligence, and quality of life are referred to as Sorgi-Einstein index or SE index. The most interestingly, Kenrico Sap Sheet were very capable in increasing Sorgi- Einstein index or SE index of up to 11%. SE index of 11% translates to increased intelligence and brain power, productivity and quality of life. Human Intelligence Quotient Index or IQ may be improved up to 11% (ex: from 150 IQ to 166 IQ, from 180 IQ to 200 IQ, etc). 21 23 3 29 159 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 TOTAL ALPHA MAX ALPHA Difference between left and right brain hemisphere (more is better) (more is better) (less is better) No. 01-7014: 136 nV increase of max alpha Before After 37 100 17 46 108 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TOTAL ALPHA MAX ALPHA Difference between left and right brain hemisphere (more is better) (more is better) (less is better) No. 01-7004: 11% increase of SE Before After