3D NEUROIMAGING WITH EEG AND BLOOD ANALYSIS: A LARGE-SCALE SINGLE BLIND CLINICAL STUDY TO EXPLORE THE EFFECT OF KENRICO SAP SHEET IN CHANGING THE SORGY-EINSTEIN INDEX AND THE REMOVAL RATE OF HEAVY METALS IN HUMAN BODY Confidential Property of Kenrico LTD All rights Reserved Page 10 of 210 11. Conclusion Kenrico Sap Sheet significantly increased alpha brainwaves activity with a single use in all 32 participants of group one (experimental group) and in all 32 participants of group two (experimental group), up to 195% increase of total alpha brainwaves, up to 211 nV increase of maximum alpha brainwaves, and up to 34% increase of SE. TRMX 4 Original provides significant improvement from TRMX-3 30 th Anniversary: 10.26 times the improvement of total alpha brainwaves, 1.55 times the improvement of maximum alpha brainwaves, and 3.09 times the improvement of SE index, based on human trials TR-MED742. Kenrico Sap Sheet also showed a promising capability in reducing heavy metals during the trials up to 97% success rate. On the contrary, placebo group showed from none to a slightly worse improvement.